Delivery and cancellation

  • Orders will be sent within 3 working days after your payment has been received. Until your payment has been received, it is possible to cancel your order by sending an email to 
  • If you did not receive your order within 30 days after your payment has been received, you have the right to cancel your order (send an email to 
  • We will transfer you back the payment (including delivery costs) within 30 days.- Orders placed on Saturday and Sunday can not be sent earlier than the following Monday.
  • will send you a confirmation email, once your parcel has been sent.

 Returning Items and Guarantee

  • You are always allowed to send back your purchased items within 7 days after receiving them.
  • Delivery costs are always for your own charge. Parcels that are not stamped sufficiently will not be accepted.
  • Items to exchange or items with a Guarantee Claim can also be dropped off at the store in Amsterdam. However, there are no refunds at the store itself.
  • On all items a Factory Guarantee is applied. This guarantee will expire in case the items have not been used for their meant purpose, if they have been modified or injudiciously used.
  • Always add a note to the box, regarding your wish or complaint, even if you have already discussed this with a store-employee. Please do not forget to write down your address and phone number.

 Exchanging Items

  • Items you are sending back, may not be damaged or used. In case of exchange, please write down the Item Numbers of the items you want in return, before sending your parcel.
  • Delivery costs of the exchanged items will not be charged.


  • Online orders have a '7-day refund' policy.
  • You are always allowed to send back your purchased items within 7 days after receiving them. 
  • Items can however not be used or damaged. Add the request to return your payment, which will be returned within 30 days to the requested account.


  • Prices are in Euro's unless stated differently.
  • Prices per item are valid as long as it is on stock. Modifications are reserved.
  • Prices are under reserve of fluctuations, typing- or programming mistakes.
  • Prices in the 'Sale' department have a limited validity, which is stated with each item.


  • Images on the site can deviate from the actual item. In case of significant deviations, you will be contacted about this before sending the parcel. Deviations are under reserve.


  • We comply with the Dutch law: "Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens". Which means we will never use any personal information for other purposes then to process your order and payment.
  • Your personal information will be saved for possible future orders. If you do not agree with this, please mail us with the * request to delete your personal information.
  • A cookie will be placed on your computer to recognize you on your next visit. You can turn of this option in the order-placement menu. If you are using a public computer this is highly recommended.
  • Your IP-address will be saved but will only be used in case of abuse, on which we will contact the necessary authorities.
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