Monday, 12 June 2023
by Darko GH


When it comes to cultivating cannabis plants, providing the right nutrients during each growth phase is crucial for optimal development. The vegetative stage, in particular, requires a specific nutrient blend to establish a strong foundation for robust growth. Green House Feeding's Mineral Nutrients, specifically their Grow line, offers a tailored formula designed to support greener, stronger, and more resistant cannabis plants during the vegetative phase. In this article, we will explore the benefits and composition of these mineral nutrients and understand the importance of nitrogen in cannabis cultivation. Green House Feeding Grow Nutrients

Supporting Optimum Development:

The Grow formula by Green House Feeding is carefully designed to cater specifically to the vegetative growth stage of cannabis plants. By incorporating this formula into your cultivation practices, you can achieve optimum development throughout the growth stage. The fast assimilation of nutrients and the high nitrogen content in the Grow formula promote a more robust and branched plant structure, along with thicker leaves.

Ideal for Mother Plants and Cuttings:

Green House Feeding's Grow formula is not only effective for general vegetative growth but also ideal for the production of mother plants and cuttings. Additionally, it can be used effectively as a foliar feed. The high nitrogen content in this formula stimulates thicker leaf growth, leading to increased nutrient reserves. This, in turn, promotes rapid rooting of cuttings, ensuring successful propagation and healthy plant development.

The Power of Nitrogen:

Nitrogen plays a pivotal role in numerous critical plant functions, including photosynthesis and protein production. During the vegetative stage, cannabis plants require a higher concentration of nitrogen compared to the flowering stage. The Grow formula takes this into account and provides the necessary nitrogen components for robust growth. The formula includes nitrate nitrogen and ammoniacal nitrogen, both of which are readily available to the plant for immediate uptake. Lack of nitrogen can result in stunted growth, yellowing of leaves, and protein loss, highlighting the importance of maintaining adequate nitrogen levels during the vegetative phase.

Understanding the Nutrient Composition:

Let's take a closer look at the nutrient composition of Green House Feeding's Grow line:

  • Total Nitrogen [N]: 24%

    • 13% Nitrate Nitrogen
    • 11% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
  • Soluble Phosphorus Oxide [P2O5]: 6%

  • Soluble Potash Oxide [K2O]: 12%

Additionally, the formula contains essential micronutrients such as magnesium, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc, all of which are chelated for improved availability and absorption.

Maximizing Solubility and Recommended Application:

To ensure the best results, it is crucial to follow the recommended application guidelines. The Grow formula from Green House Feeding offers a maximum solubility of 1.3 lb/gal or 160g/L water. For the stock solution, a recommended amount of 4 oz/gal or 30g/L water is advised. By adhering to these guidelines, you can maintain the appropriate nutrient concentration during the vegetative phase, providing the ideal conditions for cannabis plant growth.


During the vegetative phase of cannabis cultivation, providing the right balance of nutrients is essential for healthy and vigorous growth. Green House Feeding Mineral Nutrients, specifically their Grow line, offers a tailored solution designed to support greener, stronger, and more resistant cannabis plants during this crucial phase. With its high nitrogen content and a comprehensive blend of essential nutrients, the Grow formula ensures optimum development, thicker leaves, and rapid rooting of cuttings. By incorporating Green House Feeding Mineral Nutrients into your cultivation routine, you can pave the way for successful cannabis growth during the vegetative phase, setting the stage for bountiful harvests in the future.


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