Thursday, 22 June 2023
by Darko GH

Supplements or plant growth enhancers are used in agriculture and horticulture for various reasons. Here are a few common reasons why supplements may be used to promote plant growth:

  1. Nutrient deficiencies: Plants require specific nutrients to grow and thrive. Sometimes, the soil may be deficient in certain essential nutrients necessary for optimal plant growth. Supplements can be used to provide these nutrients in a readily available form, ensuring that plants have access to all the elements they need for healthy development.
  2. Soil improvement: In some cases, the soil may have poor fertility or lack beneficial microorganisms. Supplements can be used to improve soil structure, fertility, and microbial activity, creating a more favorable environment for plant growth.
  3. Stress tolerance: Plants can face various stresses, such as drought, extreme temperatures, or disease pressure. Certain supplements are designed to enhance a plant's ability to tolerate stress conditions by improving its physiological processes, strengthening its immune system, or enhancing its ability to cope with adverse environmental factors.
  4. Yield enhancement: Farmers and gardeners often seek to maximize their crop yields. Plant growth supplements can help stimulate growth, increase root development, improve flowering, and enhance fruit or seed production, leading to higher yields.
  5. Corrective measures: In some cases, plants may exhibit symptoms of nutrient deficiencies or imbalances, such as yellowing leaves or stunted growth. Supplements can be used as a corrective measure to address these issues and restore optimal plant health.
It's important to note that the use of supplements
should be based on a proper understanding of plant requirements, soil analysis, and specific growth goals.
Consulting with agricultural experts, agronomists, or horticulturists can help determine the appropriate
supplements and their application rates for specific plants or crops.
After creating

Green House Bio Feeding

we decided to develop a very specific product that would allow growers to maintain healthy and strong plants.

A he althy root system free from pathogens and diseases is the key to growing strong plants and achieving high yields.
Our Additive Enhancer meets all these requirements and is very soluble, easy to use and acts quickly.


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